Sunday 24 February 2013

Cool It

The trick is to not get cocky if you have won because success isn't permanent. It's a lesson to you so you won't be complacent and lose momentum. It's good for others around you so they don't have to endure a douche walking around in their presence. Be humble.

Consequently, don't be mousy if you have lost because it's not the end of the world. This is a cliche but it can't get any truer than it is. Plenty of other people are in the same situation but they have willed themselves to bounce right back up. Many are in worse situations than yours so don't walk around whining about it like a baby and take it like a man. Life can't possibly be without problems for how would we learn? How would we learn the value of something had we not worked hard to surpass it.

Don't get cocky and don't be mousy.

(Inspired by Leadership Smarts by Ken Blanchard)

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