Sunday 27 January 2013

End Call

I get two missed phone calls from an unknown number so I replied courteously asking who it was and asked how I may help him/her on the pretext that it could have been my future boss of this television station I applied work for.

Lo and behold the same number calls again awaking me from deep slumber and nope it was not my future boss. It was the voice of a man who I suspect is from the province judging from his accent. When I asked who it was he instead shot back a question asking me how old I was and said he was the one who sent a text earlier that day.

I apologized to him for the misunderstanding and told him I don't make friends with strangers on the phone. I didn't wait for a response and pressed 'end call'.

Checking my inbox after that I saw several texts from him saying that he dialed random cellphone numbers and when mine rang, he said he decided to bug me. He also sent an assuming text saying guessing that I was a teacher and shared that his sister is a primary teacher too.

I didn't bother anymore after that.

Really. Just really. People still do that nowadays. Apparently.