Tuesday 8 May 2012

Reading Between the Lines

"You don't like him",  she says in a disappointed and accusatory tone.
"I didn't say I don't like him, I just said that I don't know him", I defensively say.

It was refreshing, the feeling of being liked and not the other way around. Refreshing to be linked to another male other than the cliche' male you got linked to way back in high school who you will not be giving another chance by the way, but that's a different story. The feeling of your friends teasing you with him. It's just like high school, only you know how to play the game better.

Flattery escaped my thoughts as soon my cautious and over-thinking-up-to-the-point-paranoid self warned me against such emotions worried of the fact that I may get hurt. I listened to it. I have no qualms once that self starts talking because It has always worked that way. I have always played safe, barely taking risks and wouldn't break conventions.

Going back to the guy liking me, I never told him I liked him. Never responded to his hi's (actually it was more second hand hi's as he never did it personally)in an encouraging way. How can I? It wasn't that appealing. I hoped though, at the back of my head, that he'd do something - not something fancy or anything but something real, sincere and well-thought-of that I would appreciate. It never came.

In his defense, he might say, 'Why would I put effort on a girl whose feelings I am not aware of, why gamble? In fact, why would I put effort on her, when I'm sure she doesn't like me.'

In my defense I say this, 'I am torn. When I say, 'Oh he likes me', it is immediately followed by, 'Wait, how much?' So how do you pacify the doubt and retain the excitement? Feed the excitement, so it may flourish to reciprocity after flattery, and who knows it may blossom into something more.

For the guy, what have you got to lose? Besides, time, money (hopefully) and energy? Those things aren't so bad losing considering that she may be 'the one'. Think of it as an investment. While we are at it, when you claim to like someone, don't you think that it's a perfect opportunity to be creative? You may discover another side of you that is artistic in nature. It's an opportunity to use logic, instead of wasting time doing analysis and strategies in playing DOTA, why not channel that to a perfectly crafted plan in getting 'the one' complete with reinforcements and back-up plans.

For a little effort, a little push, a little exertion, over the yes of the one you like, don't you think it's worth doing? At least you know at the back of your head that you tried, that you were sincere, you were a man. Because if you were sweet and sincere during the chase, I would say yes.

Then again, I may not have been liked that much to begin with - The harsh truth.