Friday, 18 November 2011

An open note to ex best friend

I can accept criticisms. Can you?

Just because you raise your voice does not mean that you are an effective leader.

Just because you get irritated at people when what you wanted to happen failed to deliver does not permit you to treat people bad and use that as an excuse to save face and say that you intended so much better. It is all in your head madame.

You think that just because we have the same circle of friends and I am forced to be in your company equates to forgiveness on my part.

You think that just because you are more expressive than I in speech means you are correct. As they say an empty can makes a lot of noise.

You think that I can not see beneath your intention to merely preserve yourself and use me as a tool to climb up. I can't care less if you get there or not.

Just because you exhibit sarcasm does not mean you are a deep person.

And just because you laugh at me does not mean you are above me.

I would have said yes to to your question if the manner in which you said it did not display the obvious fact that it would please you more than me. If you can't be sensitive at least be respectful.

I will walk the earth and thank the good souls that crossed my path. There are only two types of people I meet. One is someone who is neither good nor bad but at least I have had the privilege to have learned the foundation of their characters and have directly or indirectly taught me a thing or two about humanity. The second is someone I despise. Someone whom I can not and will never look up to, someone whom I will never forget trampled upon my very worth and spat on it. You are the later, even if you are completely aware of it nor not.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Faith Lost

I wonder if what came first: My deteriorating faith in God or my deteriorating faith in People. It's like the chicken and egg dilemma for my nerves.

I wonder if the monster that I have become was the effect of  the kind of environment I was bred in or was it always hidden in me and waiting to be tapped or provoked into full embodiment.