Sunday, 5 June 2011

Taking Pictures of Pictures

My mom asked me to email her pictures of a certain "Tita Brendie". It's good that there are only two albums where I am supposed to look for it but the bad the news is that both albums weigh about 5kg each and each are 5 inches thick. I swear it is so heavy plus the fact that it's located at the topmost (reaching the ceiling) shelf of our study room. It's always a struggle when she requests for certain pictures because I have to get them from all way of up there. The best part is I have no clue of how Tita Brendie looks like. I asked my mom and she told me, "basta mahaba yung baba." It's insane I tell you for there are a lot of people in those two albums that have long chins. I tried asking Lola and Tita Beau but they told me they don't remember Tita Brendie's face (or so they say. People in this house are sadists. Just like me).

My mom doesn't remember which album it is at so I tried the brown album first. I don't have a scanner so what I do is take pictures of the pictures from the album using a digital camera. I narrowed down the people in that album whom I suspected was The Tita Brendie using mom's vague description and took pictures of all of it and emailed it to mom. Before I email it to her by the way, I edit it first, adjusting the brightness and contrast so that it's clear and presentable. But alas, my mom told me that there was no sign of Tita Brendie among all the pictures I sent her.

Today, I decided to take pictures of all the pictures on the other album, the red one because my mom was sure this time that it was there and just in case mom requests again for other pictures, at least I sent her all the ones from that album. Actually what I haven't thought of is check the labels of the pictures for thank God I found one labeled "With Tita ...., Tita....., and Tita Brendie". Labels are life savers. 

It wasn't actually bad spending my whole afternoon doing just that. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the red album:

Mom and  Lola
Mommy and her one and only sibling Tita Beau who's five years younger
At least mom learned to bike 
Mom with a cat
Mom's the daddy's girl. I wish I met Lolo.